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Check drive for loss of Direction input or Enabled input
If replacing a motor encoder on a permanent magnet machine (i.e Endat encoder) then ropes will have to be lifted and a rotational auto-tune will be required. When replacing an incremental encoder on an induction motor a static auto-tune would in most cases be sufficient.
Please refer to job contract manual for relevant auto-tune procedure.
Note: DO NOT change parameter 0.48 or 11.31 as this will default the drive parameter file.
In order to return the drive mode back to ‘closed loop’ set the following parameters.
These are hardware faults, drive must be removed. Please contact TVC to discuss options for replacement.
Please refer to relevant contract manual for full description of these trips but here are some common causes.
Check the following:
All the data the EMU Mini transmits is displayed on TVC’s CMS Anywhere, which access would have been provided once installed.
The rating for the EMU Mini is IP2X
No, the EMU Mini can be installed to monitor any equipment which uses a ON/OFF Input
The EMU Mini can operate between 0 ºC to +40 ºC
The EMU Mini has stopped transmitting Data or has lost internet connectivity.
The EMU Mini varies in input voltages, these voltages range from the following:-
12v, 24v, 110v & 240v ac/dc
Yes, TVC can supply a 4G Router with Data SIM
The EMU mini requires either a Solid Line Broadband Connection or a 4G Broadband Connection
105mm x 90mm x 60mm
Different types of faults may require higher level of log-in, passwords and access levels are in the Ethos 1 user manual.
Every 3 years (from installation date)
3 hours
245mm x 102mm x 53mm
390mm x 135mm x 62mm
Yes, via a UPS
4 Wire Bus (as per emFONE)
EN81-72 & BS 9999:2008
Flush (Standard Offering)
99 landings
An additional power supply is required for every 8 landings.
Euro Key (Standard Offering)
Isopropyl alcohol or similar IT screen cleaner
Check the limit has been reset. The lift should be returned to the bottom floor. Then check the processor is seeing LU LD DZ and TFR (BFR should be off if limit is normally closed). The processor should now acknowledge the ECS button and clear down event.
Default Pin code is 0000 (Master Pin code 6595)
Check the processor is seeing DOL or DCL. If not check the 110vac control circuit MS feed.
Possible processor EMC noise spike ensure all contactor/relay coils and 3 phase door motor windings are suitably suppressed as per contract drawings. Also ensure the control panel has adequate earth bonding.
Check 5vdc power supply. This supply must be a minimum of 5 vdc under load. If this cannot be achieved with the existing power supply, then a replacement 5v PSU can be purchased from TVC.
Take the lift to the Main Floor and cycle door.
Refer to contract drawings, a site visit by TVC can be carried out to investigate, contact TVC for further advice.
Ensure all contactors/relay coils have suitable suppressors fitted as per site drawings. Check and improve earth bonding continuity throughout installation.
Switch off mains supply, remove all processor board and clean PCB edge connectors with suitable electrical contact cleaner before firmly re-inserting them.
If this fails to rectify the issue then a site visit by TVC is recommended to investigate.
Check LPF and CPF (simplex) group panels check interlinking wiring and fuses on all controllers.
Check processor inputs LU and LD for correct sequence on later versions of M6809, check LU DZ, LD sequencing to processor.
Return lift to main fire floor and cycle doors, processor should reset.
Check operation of reset limits BFR and TFR, check DIP switches on CPU card are set correctly, check door limit signalling.
Processor has seen a stepping signal in the wrong position whilst running, check SPX signal, check operation through direction contacts
Check lock circuit, check main contactors for operation, check door operation.
Processor has attempted to pilot open the doors (OC) after a short delay and door zone not energising this will be logged, check operation of limits, check operation of door contactors, check pilot relays.
Check loop LED to see if flashing, possible issues with CPU card and logic voltages.
Loss of logic supply to processor, check 10VDC supply, visual monitor 5V LED located at the tope left of motherboard.
LU, DZ, LD are monitored by the processor if three consecutive journeys to the same floor log a code 34 leveller direction error a multi head erro will be logged, check processor signalling from shaft equipment, tape head etc.
Landing lock is still present after the doors have fully opened, locks are assumed to be bridge, check lock circuit, landing doors, car gate and door operation
Car doors have been held continuously for 15 seconds or more, check safety edges, cabling and detector box.
On arrival at a terminal floor the processor has reset its position as it does not correspond with the top and bottom floor, indicating the lift was out of step.
The processor is not seeing the correct levelling sequence LU, DZ and LD direction dependant.
The security code is 1234 MASTER CODE 6595
· Please check for damage. Please inform TVC of any damage is found.
· This is to be fitted in a clean dry and dust proof location.
See attached instructions for further information.