How to programme an EM1 emFONE lift autodialler for 3-day healthcheck?
Please call TVC Technical Support to confirm healthcheck telephone number. Once you have this number enter the following command via the EM1 keypad #1239#4 followed by the healthcheck telephone number and enter *. Example #1239#4XXXXXXXXXX* The EM1 will respond with “Sequence Accepted”.
Via the Keypad enter #1239#71* The EM-1 will respond with “Sequence Accepted”.
Via the Keypad enter #123#850* The EM-1 will respond with “Sequence Accepted”.
Via the Keypad enter #1232#703* The EM-1 will respond with “Sequence Accepted”.
Ring TVC Technical support and ask for the site to be added to CMS Anywhere, Site name, End User & Phone number is required.
TVC will confi rm the site has been added and the site is repor? ng to Autodialler health check.