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Ealing Council Lift Monitoring – Better Lifts for Better Lives

Ealing Council serves the residents and businesses of London’s third largest borough and is located in the heart of west London.  One of Ealing’s many responsibilities is to manage the lift portfolio for the residents within the borough.

The Challenge

Ealing Council were experiencing difficulties in managing their lifts and satisfying their customers’ requirements. Lift management involved arduous manual processes which were very time consuming.

Ealing identified three most significant frustrations;

Lift breakdowns for long periods of time; their only knowledge of a lift breakdown was when they received complaints from residents.

False passenger trapping; these led to time wasted for both Ealing Council and the fire brigade with expensive consequences.

Lift analysis and general performance reports were non-existent – it was difficult to provide justification for budgets on problematic lifts. Any manual reporting was expensive and time consuming.

Ealing Council set about finding a solution that would provide an automated way of managing their lifts using the very latest in innovative technologies.  Haris Selimotic is a busy lift engineer for Ealing Council and is responsible for approximately 124
lifts borough-wide within residential properties.  Haris confirmed “We conducted a diligent review of lift monitoring systems and were given recommendations and advice from other councils and housing associations; we were very impressed by what CMS Anywhere lift monitoring system had to offer”.

The Solution

The TVC CMS Anywhere lift monitoring system offers instant alerts for lift breakdowns, verified alarm trappings; reducing wasted site visits and real-time lift performance data which support budget making decisions. Haris continued; “The system is online so we can monitor our lifts from anywhere using PC or tablet, it’s intuitive, it provides at-a-glance lift status through simple colour coding and we can run reports to provide lift performance over a given time; worst lifts and history of lift events to name but a few”.

Since the installation, Ealing Council has seen vast improvements with lift breakdowns being dealt with proactively through instant alerts to a third party contractor, passenger trappings are verified thus reducing unnecessary site visits.

Haris quipped “Quite often lifts could be put back into service before residents even noticed that they weren’t working!”

“The installation of the lift remote monitoring system has offered savings not just in financial terms but by time and improved customer service. I would recommend this system to anyone who may be in the same situation as we were.”

The many CMS reports available help Ealing Council offer an improved service to their residents and with financial focus to support budget allocations to the correct lifts.

KPI goals are set which help Ealing Council meet their residential customer  expectations